About Us

About Goco Care
GoCo specialises in providing personalised aged and community care services across the New England and North West regions of NSW, supporting older people in the community to live their life the way they choose for over 30 years.
GoCo is an approved provider for Home Care Packages, is funded to deliver Commonwealth Home Support Programme services, is a provider of Community Transport and is a partner in the delivery of services for the Carer Gateway.
Contact us to enquire about any of our services, by emailing us at info@gococare.com.au or call us on 02 6740 2240.
Our History
Established in 1988 in Gunnedah, GoCo was the brain child of Gunnedah Shire Council and continues to operate as a business enterprise of Council today. Initially GoCo was operated by three amazing staff (one is still with us!).
Gunnedah Shire Council agreed to auspice GoCo in early 1990 following an approach by the NSW Department of Community Services (DoCS). GoCo was funded as a Community Options Project by State and Commonwealth governments initially targeting people aged over 65 with complex care needs residing in the following nine local government areas (LGAS): Gunnedah Shire, Narrabri Shire, Moree Plains Shire, Nundle Shire, Manilla Shire, Quirindi Shire, Parry Shire, Barraba Shire and Tamworth City.
A committee consisting of a Councillor nominated representative from each of the 9 LGAs, 3 clients representatives, DoCs and Health representatives was set up to advise GoCo staff on strategic and policy matters.
GoCo has grown and evolved over the years, successfully delivering on state and commonwealth funded grants in aged care, community and disability services.
In 2018, GoCo welcomed aged care services for the Tamworth region into its repertoire of services, with the novation of Commonwealth Home Support Programme services for Barraba, Kootingal and Nundle.
GoCo has grown to now service five local government areas encompassing Tamworth, Gunnedah, Narrabri, Moree and Liverpool Plains. We now have offices in Gunnedah, Tamworth, Barraba and Quirindi.
GoCo has an intimate understanding of the region, its people and the unique needs of each and every one of our clients. We are committed to providing our clients with incredible support and services to ensure you (or your loved one) have the freedom to live happy and independent lives.
Our philosophy is simple. You are our priority. We’re here to empower you so that you can live your life the way you choose.

Our Values
We genuinely care about the wellbeing and independence of our community.
We operate with honesty and transparency to empower you with choice and give you peace of mind.
We nurture our relationships with clients and their family, so that GoCo feels like home.
We deliver a quality client experience through superior service and personalised care.
Contact us to enquire about any of our services, by emailing us at info@gococare.com.au or call us on 02 6740 2240.
Why Choose GoCo Care?
Set your care plan, choose your care team and change your services to suit your needs.
Open and honest communication, we keep you informed about the things that are important to you.
You can rely on our whole team to support you to remain safe, well and independent.
Aged & Community Care Providers Association
Gunnedah Shire Council (GoCo) is a member of Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA).
The newly-created ACCPA will represent aged care providers from across the industry, large and small, commercial and not-for-profit, in an effort to lead and influence the sector’s future, unified in voice and purpose.
LASA’s vision is to create a high performing, respected, sustainable aged services industry delivering affordable, accessible, quality care and services for older Australians.

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Aged Care Resources
My Aged Care Services
The start point to accessing services for people over 65 years, and for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders over 50.
My Aged Care Services Finder
Find service providers in your local area.
Commonwealth Home Support Services (CHSP)
Find out more about what CHSP can do for you and how to get started.
Pathway to access a Home Care Package
Find out more about Packages of Care at home and how to access one.
Home Care Package Fee Estimator
A tool to estimate what your fee for a Home Care Package might be.
Dementia Australia
Visit for information and resources about dementia.
Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
Accreditation body for all Aged Care Services in Australia. The Quality Agency also provides education, resources and support for all Aged Care Services to meet the National Aged Care Quality Standards. They also provide information on the transition to the new Aged Care Quality Standards which all Aged Care providers are transitioning to by 1 July 2019.
Carers Resources
Carers Gateway
Information and resources for Carers. Find services, learn about Disability supports, connect with other carers and find information about preparing for change.
Carers NSW
A non for profit organisation that focuses on all things relating to Carers.
Centrelink – Carers
Information about financial support available to Carers.
National Relay Service
If you are deaf and/or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, the National Relay Service (NRS) can help you.
Advocacy Agencies Resources
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)
Phone: 1800 700 600
Aged Care Rights Service
Phone: 1800 424 079
Newell Advocacy Inc
(For all people residing in Narrabri and Moree Shires)
1/63 Maitland Street Narrabri NSW 2390
Phone: 02 6792 3195
Contact us to enquire any of the services offered by emailing us at info@gococare.com.au or call us on 02 6740 2240.