Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety in Australia

12 Dec, 2018

GoCo is fully supportive of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety in Australia, announced by the Prime Minister in September.

We all want a safe, high quality and high performing aged care system. While the vast majority of Australia’s aged care services and their dedicated staff deliver good quality care, there have been examples of unacceptable failures that must be prevented from happening in the future.

To this end, the Royal Commission aims to:

  1. Examine issues and examples of what is not working – where the aged care system has failed, and;
  2. Explore what needs to change to in order to meet the changing needs and expectations of the growing numbers of older Australians.

Along with all aged care providers across the country GoCo is currently responding to a request from the Royal Commission for information.

The first Hearing of the Royal Commission is being held on 18 January, and the Commission is aiming to deliver an interim report in October 2019 and a final report in April 2020. However, in reality, the timing is up to the Commissioners to determine.

Caring for older Australians is an issue of national importance and is too important not to get right.

While this Royal Commission process may be challenging in many ways in the shorter term, we trust it will be in everyone’s interests moving forward.

For further information, or if you have any concerns about the Royal Commission process, please contact Jasmin Bird on (02) 67 402240.

You can also find out more and follow the progress of the Royal Commission via its website at