COVID-19 Update – NSW Lockdown

16 Aug, 2021

In response to the NSW lockdown from 14 August, please see the following service updates for GoCo:

  • Social Support Group services are suspended until further notice.
  • Essential services including Home Care Package services and respite and transport for medical or grocery purposes will continue where practical.
  • Social support services for essential needs will continue where practical.
  • Home and Garden Maintenance services will continue, with all services to be paid by invoice, no cash payments, to reduce physical contact.

All GoCo offices are closed to the public, however, GoCo continues to deliver essential services thanks to our team of volunteers and GoCo Partners. ALL staff and volunteers visiting GoCo offices are required to Check In using the Service NSW QR check-in system.
If you do not have a smartphone or if there are technical difficulties with the QR code, one of our friendly team will Check in on your behalf.

Please refrain from attending our offices if you:

  • Have been to any close, casual or monitor for symptoms locations in NSW in the last 14 days
  • Have been to or live in any of the current locations of interest,  close or casual contact locations, or places of high concern in NSW or interstate in the last 14 days
  • Have COVID-19 symptoms – fever (37. 5°C or higher) or symptoms of COVID-19
  • Are a close contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19 and are within their self-isolation period or live in a household with a person who is currently self-isolating
  • Are waiting for a COVID-19 test result

Masks must be worn at all times

  • while in our offices.
  • during GoCo transport services
  • during home visits

A staff member or visitor may remove their mask under the following conditions:

  • while communicating with another person who is deaf or hard of hearing
  • if wearing a mask creates a risk to health and safety
  • where clear enunciation or visibility of your mouth is essential
  • when eating or drinking
  • during attendance at GoCo aged care social groups in our venues, provided the attendee signs in and out of the venue electronically

Anyone removing a mask for one of these reasons should maintain 1.5m distance from others wherever possible.

Thanks for your cooperation. If you have any queries pleased don’t hesitate to contact our office on 02 6740 2240.

Stay safe.

GoCo Management

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