COVID-19 update/roadmap from 11 October 21

From 11th October, NSW is opening up, with restrictions and freedoms being heavily reliant on vaccination status. Those who aren’t under stay at home orders, will  have additional restrictions if they are unvaccinated. A vaccinated person is someone who has received...

COVID-19 Update – Gunnedah Lockdown

In line with the Gunnedah LGA lockdown, please be aware of the following: Gunnedah Office is closed to the public from Tuesday 5 October 2021 until Tuesday 12 October 2021. Gunedah Social Support Groups services are suspended until lockdown finishes, this includes...

Gentle Exercise Classes Re-Launch Gunnedah

GoCo recently announced its new partnership with Rural Fit in the delivery of Gentle Exercise Classes in Gunnedah at our Info Session Event on 21 September 2021. GoCo is excited to recommence weekly exercise classes: Tuesday 5th October, 11am at Rural Fit Gunnedah, 28...